The Best Breast Implants to Fit Your Lifestyle

Woman in a sports tank top looking at her smart watch.

Woman in a sports tank top looking at her smart watch.One of the most common questions we get during breast augmentation consultations is, “What’s the best type of breast implant for me?” There are so many different variables that go into answering this question that there’s not a quick cookie-cutter answer. To help you figure out what the best breast implants for you are, consider these three key factors.

Saline vs. Silicone

If you have larger amounts of natural breast tissue, saline implants could work. Otherwise, consider silicone.

Saline and silicone are the two main materials that breast implants are made of. While silicone implants have become much more popular in recent decades, saline implants come with a unique set of benefits as well.

Generally speaking, silicone implants tend to look, feel and move more like natural breast tissue than saline implants do. However, silicone implants require an MRI to detect a rupture, whereas saline implants do not.

Size Matters

The size of your implants will obviously have a considerable effect on your final results. But try to avoid becoming too hung up on what bra cup size you might fit into after your procedure.

Breast implants are measured in cc’s of volume — not cup size. So work with your plastic surgeon to help you figure out the best amount of volume that will suit your body shape and type, while still accomplishing your cosmetic goals.

Location, Location, Location

Another important consideration to discuss at your consult is where your implants will be placed: over or under the muscle. Implants placed over your chest muscle will not interfere with the function of your pectoral muscles, making this placement option popular among athletic women.

Under-the-muscle implants can be a good choice if you don’t have much natural breast tissue and/or if you are choosing saline implants.

Contact us online or call our Plymouth office at 651-290-7600 for more information.


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The Best Breast Implants to Fit Your Lifestyle
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The Best Breast Implants to Fit Your Lifestyle
What’s the best breast implant type for you? The top female board-certified plastic surgeons at Harrington + Associations in Plymouth explain how to decide.
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Harrington Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis
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