3 Questions to Ask before Your Breast Reduction

woman before breast reduction

woman before breast reductionDoes the size of your breasts ever keep you from exercising, playing sports or wearing certain clothes? Do you end up with sore, red shoulders under your bra straps after a long day? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, a breast reduction could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

But before you jump right into it, set up a consultation with a top female plastic surgeon and ask these common breast reduction FAQs.

  1. Could Breast Reduction Be Right for Me?

    Like its name suggests, a breast reduction reduces the size of your breasts. There are lots of different reasons why you might consider breast reduction, ranging from hindered physical activity to back, neck or shoulder pain to discomfort wearing certain clothing.

    If your breasts look or feel too large for your frame, you could be a good candidate for breast reduction.

  2. How Is a Breast Reduction Different from a Lift?

    People often confuse these two procedures or lump them together as the same thing. However, there are some differences between them.

    On its own, a breast lift works to reposition your breasts higher on your chest wall to create a perkier and firmer appearance. Although your breasts may look slightly smaller due to this repositioning, you’ll have the same amount of breast tissue before and after.

    A breast reduction removes excess breast tissue to reduce the overall size of your breasts. However, breast reduction surgery also incorporates elements of a breast lift so your final results is both proportionate and uplifted for a beautiful final result.*

  3. How Long Will Recovery Take?

    Plan on taking anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks away from workheal from your breast reduction. As swelling diminishes over the next 3 to 6 months, you should see your new size and shape develop.*

*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.


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3 Questions to Ask before Your Breast Reduction
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3 Questions to Ask before Your Breast Reduction
Looking for answers to common breast reduction FAQs? Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Harrington of Minneapolis-St. Paul has you covered.
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Harrington Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis
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