When Can You Start Exercising after Breast Augmentation?

Woman exercising in the gym.

Woman exercising in the gym.Following breast augmentation, lots of women are eager to get back to their normal workout routine. But it’s important that you give your body enough time to rest and recover and that you don’t push it to do too much too soon.

So, what are your activity restrictions after plastic surgery? Use this quick guide to help you plan a modified exercise schedule after your breast enhancement.

The First Days after Breast Augmentation

For the first few days after breast enhancement surgery, focus on getting enough rest and letting your body heal and recuperate. Limit physical activity for the first 48 hours after your procedure. When you feel up to it, light walking around your house can promote blood circulation and help your body heal.

1 to 2 Weeks after Breast Augmentation

Check in with Dr. Harrington before adding a new physical activity to your routine after your breast enhancement surgery.

Many women find that their normal energy levels begin returning around 1 to 2 weeks after plastic surgery. Even though you might feel up to hitting the gym at this point, you still need to take it easy. Start with light walks around the block or on a treadmill to avoid raising your heart rate very much while still getting some exercise.

4 to 6 Weeks after Breast Augmentation

Around the 4-week mark, you may be able to start introducing heavier lifting and arm exercises into your routine. But before you do, make sure you go to your follow-up visit and discuss this with your Dr. Harrington.

At 6 weeks after breast augmentation, most women are able to resume their normal exercise routines.


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When Can You Start Exercising after Breast Augmentation?
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When Can You Start Exercising after Breast Augmentation?
What are your activity restrictions after plastic surgery? The top female board-certified plastic surgeon at Harrington Plastic Surgery in Plymouth explain.
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Harrington Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis
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